BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2018 User's Guide

Preparing an AutoCAD Electrical project

An AutoCAD Electrical projects consist of a project file (.wpd) and drawing files (.dwg). Because of the complexity of AutoCAD Electrical projects, they require some initial preparation before you can start working with them in Meridian.

To prepare a project:

  1. Import all of the project files to the vault as described in About the Document Import Tool.



  1. Duplicate the project folder structure in the vault.
    1. Import the contents of each project folder to the vault as described in Uploading documents.
  2. Release all the project files as described in Routing a document in a workflow.
  3. Configure the main project folder as a shared workspace as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Configuration Guide. For guidelines on working in a shared workspace, see Working with shared workspace folders.
  4. Start all project files in a workflow as described in Routing a document in a workflow.
  5. Open the project in AutoCAD Electrical to work on the project.